Nigeria: The Dark Side of the Mobile Money System

Mobile money systems have effectively replaced cash and traditional bank accounts, enabling financial inclusion and improving the financial well-being of customers. The financial inclusion rate increased from 56.8% in 2016 to 63.2% in 2018. But it is important to recognise that these systems are not without challenges.

Shaka Zulu is back in pop culture – how the famous king has been portrayed over the decades

Shaka Zulu is one of the most famous figures in South African history, even though not much is actually known about him. The subject of a hit 1980s TV show and of many books, Shaka is reframed by each generation. Now he’s back in popular culture with a major new South African TV series, Shaka iLembe. Dan Wylie is an English professor who has written two academic books on Shaka. We asked him four questions. Who was Shaka Zulu and what did you learn from writing about him? Shaka kaSenzangakhona is universally recognised as the founder of what would become known as the “Zulu nation”. He ruled from about 1817 until he was assassinated by his half-brothers in 1828.

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