New Book Alert! ‘Slave, Interpreter & Commissioner-General’ by Richard Oduor Oduku

The story starts nearly 200 years ago with the kidnapping of Songoro by slave-catchers — a 12-year-old boy from Ngindo in present-day Malawi. His journey across distant lands began in the mid-1800s as a captive of Salim bin Abdullah, a Swahili-Arab slave trader and the progenitor of the Nkhotakota Slave Route, with a thousand other captives, herded across thousands of kilometers to Kilwa in present-day Tanzania, to be loaded as cargo in slave ships headed for Zanzibar.

Book Review: Father Gabriel Dolan’s “Stories of Freedom in A Shackled Society”

Father Gabriel Dolan, a renowned clergy and human rights activist in Kenya, has a new memoir: Undaunted: Stories of Freedom in A Shackled Society, narrating his coming to Kenya in the heat of the 1982 failed coup against President Daniel Moi, his relentless fights for the rights of the oppressed and voiceless in the Kenya. It is a story full of courage, bravery and lessons to upcoming activists seeking to change the state of affairs in their society.

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