Kaskie Vibaya and the Semiotics of Gengetone

“Kaskie vibaya huko kwenu!” A retort. Witty. Acidic. It stings. Go cry at your home. Go be in your feelings at your home. Go be in your emotions at your momma’s house. Go feel bad somewhere else. If you are not familiar with the phrase, you might be the only Kenyan who isn’t.

Possibilities for Literary Translations in the Digital Age

The paper was presented at the “SOAS African Literatures Conference – 55 Years After the First Makerere African Writers Conference” by Richard Oduor Oduky. The conference was organized as a memorial event and took place on 28 October 2017, at the University of London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), with a keynote speech by Wole Soyinka

Unmourning the Queen from Kenya

Lukenya camp was sufficiently away from Nairobi and atrocities continued in relative secrecy for a prolonged period, even as Queen Elizabeth II rode past in lovely cars to Treetops Hotel in Central Kenya, for a romantic adventure and delightful service from supposedly happy natives.

High Cost of Elections is a Threat to Democracy in Africa

African countries cannot sustain the high cost of elections in the face of competing public spending priorities. The dependence on donor support to bridge election budget deficits erode national sovereignties and expose countries to foreign manipulation. With Sub-Saharan African countries holding the most expensive elections in the world, there is an urgent need to rethink the entire democratic process.

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