Queen Elizabeth II: The End of the ‘New Elizabethan Age’

This is the image of the Queen that many will remember: an older woman, dressed pristinely, clutching her iconic, familiar handbag. While she was head of state throughout many of the seismic political, social and cultural changes of the 20th and 21st centuries, the fact that she rarely gave a political opinion means she successfully navigated the monarch’s constitutional political neutrality.

Debt Cancellation Can Alleviate the Unending Cycle of Debt Distress and Crises in Sub-Saharan Africa

The inability to make timely debt service repayments, due a myriad of internal and external factors, including COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine crisis, have increased concerns about an impending debt crisis in Africa. Debt suspension and debt relief are laudable initiatives, but a radical step towards debt cancellation can free the world’s poorest countries from the unending cycle of unsustainable debt-service payments, abject poverty, and underdevelopment.