SHAREit Gears up for Expansion in Africa

The leading global tech companies like SHAREit Group are also expanding in the African market to unlock the potential of the industry. SHAREit allows its users to share files at a high speed without internet data, and access seamless digital content of the highest possible quality.

Disney+ Launches in South Africa

Disney+, the streaming service from The Walt Disney Company, launches today Wednesday, May 18, 2022 in South Africa. Standard pricing at launch is confirmed at R119 per month, or R1190 for an annual subscription.

DRC: The Woman Inventor Behind Traffic Safety Robots in Lubumbashi

When Thérèse Kirongozi's brother died in a pedestrian accident, she noticed the number of road fatalities involving pedestrians - particularly amongst school-going children - was particularly high in her country. So she decided to "be the change". Her giant robots have become a feature of her city's streets and are credited with reducing road accidents across the country. Now she wants to install them far and wide.

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