Submission Categories

1AFiction & PoetryShort stories, photopoetry and drama in multiple languages and translations
1BCreative WritingEssays on writing craft and style, and opportunities for writers and other creatives
1CReviews & CriticismBooks, music, film, and visual arts reviews and criticism
2ASportsSports journalism, centering events and sportspeople, with a bias for African events and people
2BTravelsExperiential writing on travels within African cities, countrysides, and journeys across African countries, including the experiences of food, cuisine and dining
2CFashionEssays and interviews covering African fashion, African fashion houses and profiles of African models
2DAfrican Cultural KnowledgeEssays on African histories and cultures — ancient and modern histories on African rulers, empires, kingdoms, cities, and trade routes; African cultural practices, religions and spiritualities
3ASpaceEssays on space, space science and space science technologies
3BEnvironmentEssays on biodiversity, environmental conservation, climate change and global warming
3CSustainable ProductionEssays on emerging sustainable technologies and practices across industries, with a bias for agriculture, manufacturing, energy, transport and communications
4ABodyEssays covering advances in COVID-19 and other Respiratory Diseases, HIV/AIDS & Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), Gender Based Violence (GBV), Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs), Chronic Diseases, Substance Abuse and Addictions, Nutrition and Wellness, and other Public Health Burdens
4BMindEssays and journalism on mental illnesses, psychiatry, depression, anxiety, autism, addictions, psychopaths, psychosis, PTSD, schizophrenia, and mental health issues such as suicide. Journalism on mental health institutions and mental health practices, in contemporary professional practice or traditional/cultural knowledge systems and practice
4CRelationshipsEssays and journalism on sex, dating, and relationships in modern Africa
5AAppsReviews and profiling of web and mobile applications and emerging computing technologies (artificial intelligence (AI), 5G, Internet of Things (IoT), serverless computing, biometrics, AR augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR), blockchain, robotics and drones, 3D printing).
5BStartupsAfrican startup profiles, and news/analyses of the African startup scene
5CBig TechEssays on advances in big tech (Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook and Microsoft etc) and how African governments and entrepreneurs are exploiting the influx of big tech.
6AEconomyEssays on the growth of African economies
6BInvestmentReviews and essays on emerging business opportunities, financing, and market trends in African countries
6CIndustry 4.0Long forms on Africa’s place in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
7AAfrican LeadersMini-biographies of influential post-independence political leaders
7BOpen BordersEssays and journalism on trade and immigration issues in Africa
7CFrontiers of FreedomEssays and journalism on new and emerging human rights and freedom issues in Africa
7DSuperpower SeriesLong forms on African futures: What is the place of an African in the new world? What is the future of Africa-US, Africa-Europe, Africa-Latin America, Africa-Asia, Africa-China relationship?
Can Africa become a superpower?

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