Three Poems by Hlín Leifsdóttir: Friend, Decision, and Do Not Ask
Hlín Leifsdóttir is a classical singer and writer from Iceland.

Hlín Leifsdóttir is a classical singer and writer from Iceland.
Poem 1: “Friend”
“Friend” by Hlín Leifsdóttir
(translated from Icelandic to English by Meg Matich)
Before it’s too late to turn back
he hangs his black coat on the rack in the anteroom
hesitates, just a little
and then sheds his shadow, too
“Wait here, friend,” he says,
as if to a faithful black dog
too innocent to follow
“I won’t be long”
The draught tells him that he won’t be coming back
He doesn’t know that, before he’s even crossed the threshold,
his shadow has snuck away
it bleeds into the crisp darkness outside
When nobody’s watching
“Rafiki” na Hlín Leifsdóttir
(hili shahiri limetafsriwa kutoka kwenye lugha ya Kizungu hadi Kiswahili na Peter Ngila Njeri)
Kabla wakati hujaisha
Mwanamme yule anaanika koti lake nyeusi kwenye raki ukumbini
anasita, kidogo tu
halafu anakitoa kivuli chake, pia
“ngojea hapa, rafiki,” anasema
kwa upole
ni kama anamwambia mbwa mwaminifu
mwaminifu zaidi hawezi fuata
Upepo mdogo chumbani unamwambia hatorudi
Hajui ya kuwa, hata kabla hajavuka mlangoni,
Kivuli chake kimepotea
kinaongeza uzito kwenye giza nje
wakati hakuna mwenye anatazama
This is a song by “the artistic ambient spoken poetry duet “Hlín Leifsdóttir & Morton.” Morton is an artist’s name for the Greek composer Vasilis Chountas, also known as Whodoes. This song is the first release from our upcoming album in collaboration with The Institute for Experimental Arts, Athens, Greece.
Poem 2: “Decision”
“Decision” by Hlín Leifsdóttir
(translated from Icelandic to English by Meg Matich)
When she realizes the situation is hopeless
she decides to leave herself behind in the mirror
its frame, gilded
surrounded by pictures of dead relatives
She shows up without herself at the restaurant
“You look great,” says her enemy.
“You’ve really lost weight.”
“Uamuzi” na Hlín Leifsdóttir
(hili shahiri limetafsriwa kutoka kwenye lugha ya Kizungu hadi Kiswahili na Peter Ngila Njeri)
Yule mwanadada anapongundua ya kuwa hali yake haina matumaini
anaamua kujiacha kwenye kioo
fremu yake, imezungukwa na dhahabu
imezungukwa na picha za watu wa ukoo waliokufa
Anaenda kwenye hoteli bila nafsi yake
“Unapendeza sana,” adui yake anasema.
“Kweli umepoteza uzito.”
Poem 3: “Do Not Ask”
“Do Not Ask” by Hlín Leifsdóttir
(translated from Icelandic to English by the author)
Do not ask for her
as the sky wilts
from the autumn leaves
As black birds fly
circle after circle
in the shrivelled air
drawing a vanished sun
do not ask for her
As the ground beneath you withers
from the red plastic bucket
that a child left behind
Do not ask for her
on the beach
scorched by an abandoned sandcastle
as you wait for your ship
look away
but do not ask for her
Later still
on the streets of Paris
when they ask you
pretend that you never heard of her
And if the word gets carried by the wind
all the way to Rome
act as though you never heard her name
Much later
on a winter’s day in Athens
when you feel her name break forth
like a kiss
taste it in silence
but don’t let it leave your lips
Instead, look directly into their eyes
as you deny her
And later
when you finally arrive in the city
that lost its name
and ever since
they simply call it “the city”
Do not ask for her
least of all here
And when you see a sun
come to a halt in mid-air
for it has become
much too red
to know whether it sets or rises
but you know
that you just missed your flight home
then do not ask for her
Not until it’s too late
and you yourself dissolve
into the question you never asked
As the flowers beneath you wither
and suns in distant galaxies explode
and dreams come to an end
For in the end
everything will dissolve
into a question
without an answer
“Usiulize” na Hlín Leifsdóttir
(hili shahiri limetafsriwa kutoka kwenye lugha ya Kizungu hadi Kiswahili na Peter Ngila Njeri)
Usimuulizie yule mwanadada
Wakati anga linaponyauka
Kutoka kwenye majani ya vuli
Wakati ndege weusi wanaporuka
kutoka mduara hadi mwingine
kwenye hewa liliopooza
huku wakichora jua lilipotoweka
usimuulizie yule mwanadada
Wakati ardhi linapokauka chini yako
kutoka kwenye ndoo ya plastiki nyekundu
yenye mtoto aliiacha nyuma
Usimuulizie yule mwanadada
Baadaye kwenye pwani
unapochoma na ngoma la mchanga lilipoungua
unapoisubiri meli yako
tazama mbali
lakini usimuulizie yule mwanadada
Bado baadaye
kwenye mitaa ya mjii wa Paris
jifanye ya kuwa hujawahi msikia yule mwana dada
Na kama maneno yatabebwa na upepo
hadi mji wa Roma
jifanye kama hujawahi lisikia jina la yule mwanadada
Baadaye kabisa
siku ya majira ya baridi kwenye mji wa Athene
unapolisikia jina lake likizuka
kama busu
lionje kwa kimya
lakini usiitikie liache midomo yako
Badala yake, watazame kwenye macho yao
unapomkana yule mwanadada
Na baadaye
hatimaye unapofika kwenye mji
uliopoteza jina lake
na tangu hizo siku
kwa kifupi wanauita “mji”
Usimuulizie yule mwanadada
angalau ya yote hapa
Na unapoliona jua
likisimama kwenye anga
kwa kuwa
limekuwa nyekundu Zaidi
halijui kama huwa linatua au huwa linachomoza
lakini unajua
ya kuwa umekosa safari yako ya ndege kuelekea nyumbani
basi usimuulizie yule mwanadada
Muulizie wakati unapokaribia kuisha unageuka
kuwa swali yenye hukuuliza
Wakati maua yanaponyauka chini yako
na jua kwenye dunia za mbali linalipuka
na ndoto zinafika mwisho
Kwa sababu mwishoye
kila kitu kitageuka
kuwa swali
lisipo na jibu
Hlín Leifsdóttir is a classical singer and writer from Iceland. These poems were originally written in Icelandic, one of the oldest living languages in the world whose survival, as is true of so many smaller languages today, is threatened. Her poems: Friend, Whiteweight and Decision, are translated to English by Meg Matich ( “In 2021 Oprah Daily named Meg Matich one of the best translators of the year.” Her poem, Whiteweight, received first prize in a competition by The Student Paper, the paper of the University of Iceland, in 2019. Friend and Decision were first published in a special Icelandic edition of the American literary journal The Café Review.
Peter Ngila Njeri is a co-author (with Isabell Kempf) of Changing the World While Changing Diapers. He is a recipient of an Iceland Writers Retreat Alumni Award and an Ebedi International Writers Residency Fellow. He was a Judge for the inaugural Chingano Short Story Prize. Peter lives in Nairobi.